Baby black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus), Coral Gables, Florida.
Baby Jackrabbits
Six species of hares called "jackrabbits" inhabit the open landscapes of North America. They can be seen from the prairies of Southwestern Canada to the savannas of Southern Mexico, but don't normally occur in the Eastern USA.
A few years ago black-tailed jackrabbits were introduced to Miami International Airport. Some of them ended up being rescued by a colleague of mine. In the spring of 2006, one of the females gave birth to a bunch of babies.
Mother jackrabbit. |
Unlike true rabbits, which are born blind and naked in their burrows, baby hares are born in the open, so they can run around from day one. Mothers visit them two-three times every night. |
Author thanks Dr. Dana M. Krempels for the opportunity to see and photograph the jackrabbits.