Psychedelic grasshopper (Phymateus saxosus), Manja.

Madagascar - Part 10

Insects of Madagascar are often even more weird than its larger animals. Their diversity in such a relatively small area is stunning: for example, there is about 200 species of dung beetles, all of them endemic. Some are ancient relicts: one genus of ants was found in Jurassic amber from the USA before being discovered on Madagascar. Others are among the world's most beautiful creatures.
papilio papilio papilio
Madagascar swallowtail (Papilio antenor), Amic.
Giant comet moth (Argema mittrei), Manja
Diurnal Urania moths (right) belong to a small ancient genus, with other species in the northern Neotropics. They have asymmetrical wing patterns, unique for each moth. Comet moth (left) has a smaller relative in Africa. moth
Sunset moths (Urania madagascariensis), Manja.
Colonial beetles around their silk nest, Reniala NR.
Giraffe weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa),
PN Ranomafana.
Helictopleurus dung beetle, PN Marojejy.
Psychedelic grasshopper (Phymateus saxosus), Manja.
Many Madagascar insects have close relatives on other continents. This was once used as a proof of the movement of continents. But it looks like Madagascar has floated all over the world, collecting fauna from both Americas, Indochina, New Guinea, Africa, India, Australia... Some connections are Gondvanian heritage, others are a mystery. roaches
Hissing cockroaches (Gromphadorhina dortentosa), Amic.
insect insect
Stick insect, Parc National Ranomafana.
Ant carrying a flower petal,
PN Andasibe-Mantadia.
Anax dragonfly,
PN L'Isalo.
Some insects are so perfectly camouflaged that finding them is almost impossible unless they move.

Lace bug (marked with arrows) on
tree bark, PN d'Ankarafantsika.
Hairy bug,
PN Montagne d'Ambre.
Termites building a tunnel,
PN Masoala.
Nefila madagascarensis, world's largest
web-making spider, PN Masoala.
Spiders, snails, slugs, millipedes, mites, scorpions, freshwater shrimp... each group is an infinitely complex and diverse world, full of surprises. I've never heard of singing crabs, but they exist on Madagascar, and can be easily found by their nighttime calls. As for small soil creatures and parasites, it is sometimes easier to find a new species than an already described one. spider
Land crab (Gecarcinus quadratus),
PN Marojejy.
Araneus spider, PN Montagne d'Ambre.
Archispilostreptus millipede, PN Andasibe-Mantadia.
leech leech If you think terrestrial leeches are appalling, you are not a true naturalist. These beautiful, energetic creatures are yet another biogeographical mystery, occurring also on the Seychelles, in SE Asia, Australia, and Chile, but not in Africa. In Ranomafana National Park you can meet thousands in one rainy day. Interestingly, there's only one species of freshwater leech on Madagascar. leech leech
Feeding terrestrial leech (Malagobdella),
PN Ranomafana.
Terrestrial leeches (Malagobdella),
PN Andasibe-Mantadia.
Praying mantis, Parc National Ranomafana.

Part 11: Plants

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