Green treefrog (Hyla cinerea) on a wall with painted leaves, Everglades National Park. |
Florida, part 22: Amphibians
Florida Peninsula is a frog country. Frog biomass here is among the highest in the world. On rainy nights, driving is often made difficult by millions of frogs and toads crossing the roads.
Green treefrogs, ENP. |

Green treefrog, Goethe State Forest. |
Green and squirrel treefrogs are abundant in Florida. The former is more commonly seen in summer, the latter - in winter. |

Green treefrog, Blowing Rocks Preserve. |

Green treefrog, Andrews Wildlife Management Area. |

Squirrel treefrog (H. squirella), ENP. |
Both species have the ability to change their color. Slight changes can take only a few nimutes, but serious changes of pattern sometimes take days. |

Squirrel treefrog, ENP. |
Green treefrogs mating, Highlands Hammock State Park. |

Squirrel treefrogs, ENP. |
They can be brown, yellow or gray, but most often they are bright-green. Green treefrogs also have a better-defined side stripe. |
. |

Squirrel treefrogs, ENP. |

Squirrel treefrog, Archbold Biological Station. |
Squirrel treefrogs often behave a bit like geckos: they are attracted to street lights and bright-lit windows, where they chase small insects and spiders. They are common residents of forest cabins and park bathrooms. |

Squirrel treefrog, HHSP. |

Barking treefrog (H. gratiosa), Okefenokee Swamp. |

Pine woods treefrog (H. femoralis), Ocala National Forest. |

Greenhouse frog (Eleutherodactylus planirostris), Coral Gables. |
Many other arboreal and semi-arboreal frogs inhabit Florida. Most are native, but some, like the greenhouse frog, are introduced. |

Greenhouse frog, ENP. |

Gray treefrog (H. versicolor), San Felasco Hammock State Preserve. |

Florida chorus frog (Pseudacris nigrita verrucosa), OS. |

Gray treefrog, SFHSP. |
Species diversity almost doubles as you move from southern to northern Florida. |
Florida cricket frogs (Acris gryllus dorsalis), Hontoon Island State Park. |

Little grass frog (P. ocularis), Hillsborough River State Park. |
The smallest amphibian in Floida is little grass frog.

Little grass frog, Lettuce Lake Park.
Adult of this species is the size of a bean. |

Pine woods treefrog, Lake Wales Ridge State Forest. |
Cuban treefrogs (Osteopilus septentrionalis), ENP. |

Cuban treefrog, ENP. |
Cuban treefrog has been introduced to Florida many years ago. In the last few years it became the most commonly seen treefrog in the Everglades. |

Cuban treefrog, Big Cypress National Preserve. |

Cuban treefrog
tadpoles during
ABS. |
Now it is colonizing central Florida. It is still unknown if it has any negative effect on native species. |

Cuban treefrog
tadpoles during
ABS. |
Pig frogs (Rana grylio), BCNP. |

Bullfrog (R. catesbiana), ONF. |
Mon. |

Southern leopard frog (R. utricularia), ABS. |
Southern leopard frogs, ABS. |

Florida gopher frog (R. capito aesopus), ABS. |
Tws. |

River frog (R. heckscheri), ABS. |

Eastern narrowmouth toad (Gastrophryne carolinensis), SFHSP. |

Oak toad (Bufo quercinus), ENP. |

Oak toad, ENP. |
Toat. |

Southern toad (B. terrestris), ABS. |

Southern toad, ABS. |

Two-toed amphiuma (Amphiuma means), HHSP. |
Tey. |

Two-toed amphiuma, HHSP. |

Cuban treefrog, ENP. |
Part 23. Ampfibians (continued)
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