Black-tailed prairie dog, Boulder, Colorado.
Trap 'til You Drop Project
In June-September 2003, I was fortunate to participate
in research on disease ecology in grassland rodents, conducted by Collinge
Lab of Colorado University, Boulder. This is an unofficial page about
the project. |
Kissing and hugging are among the
most typical forms of prairie dog social behavior. Broomfield, Colorado. |

Black-tailed prairie dogs, Boulder. |
The main focus of the project is the
black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus), one of the largest rodents
in the Great Plains of North America. This member of
squirrel family is a relative of marmots and ground squirrels. It ranges from
Saskatchewan, Canada to Chihuahua, Mexico. Although the black-tails mostly inhabit
shortgrass prairie, they also live in mixed-grass prairie in the east, and in
Rocky Mountains foothills in the west. Just 200 years ago their colonies, commonly
called prairie dog towns, occupied most of the Great Plains. Larger towns covered
hundreds of square miles, and had thousands of inhabitants. Now large continuous
towns can only be seen in places where prairie dogs are protected. |

Black-tailed prairie dogs, Boulder. |
World's largest surviving prarie
dog town near Janos, Mexico. |

White-tailed prairie dog (C.
leucurus), Tibbs, Utah. |

Utah prairie dog (C. parvidens),
Bryce Canyon, Utah. |

Gunnison's prairie dog (C.
gunnisoni), Gunnison, Colorado. |

Mexican prairie dog (C.
mexicanus), Saltillo, Coahuila. |
There are four other species of
prarie dogs in the World, but their social structure is somewhat more simple. |

Jump-yip call,
Wind Cave Nat'l Park,
S. Dakota. |
Black-tails are believed to have the
most complex social organization among the world's rodents. They have multilevel
societies, and highly evolved language. Recent discoveries suggest, for example,
that their alarm calls can contain detailed information not only about the species
of an approaching predator, but even about the clothing color of an approaching
human. Their high adaptability allowed them to survive decades of shooting, poisoning,
and habitat loss from agriculture and urban sprawl. |

Black-tailed prairie dogs
in an urban colony,
Boulder. |

Prairie dog in a burrow, Boulder. |

Dome burrow, Boulder. |

Simple burrow, Boulder. |

Crater burrow, Boulder. |

Prairie dogs feed on a
large variety of prairie
plants. They also store
some food for the times
of bad weather. Boulder. |
Burrow systems play critical role
in prairie dog biology. They have three types of entrances: craters, domes, and
simple openings. Craters and domes can rise up to 50 cm above ground. They serve
as part of an ingenious ventilation system. Even slightest wind makes the air
move between burrow openings of different types. Inside the burrows are sleeping
chambers, food caches, and toilet rooms. |

They try to keep grass
on colonies short to
see predators better.
Wind Cave Nat'l Park,
South Dakota. |
In many parts of the American Southwest,
black-tailes were replaced by less social, more desert-adapted Gunnison's prairie-dogs
due to overgrazing, deterioration of grasslands, and general aridization. Gallup,
New Mexico. |

Prairie dogs have to be
on the lookout for
predators all the time. Nopo, North Dakota. |
Prairie dog towns seem to have much
less vegetation than surrounding areas. Farmers usually believe that those rodents
compete with cattle for pastures. This is not true: cattle, like once bison, actually
prefer to graze on prairie-dog colonies. Another popular myth about prairie dogs
is that cattle often break legs in their burrows. The truth is, it virtually never
happens to horses, and never at all to cows and sheep. |

Baby prairie dogs are
usually born in May
or June. Pawnee Nat'l
Grassland, Colorado. |

Prarie dogs breed once a year.
Pregnancy lasts about a month.
Janos, Chihuahua. |

Babies first show up at the surface
at about six weeks of age, usually
in May. Janos, Chihuahua. |

Youngsters start to share
sentinel duties at an early age.
Santa Rita, New Mexico. |

Playful and inquisitive, young
prairie dogs start dispersing at
the age of about 10 weeks. Janos. |

Black-tailed prairie dog, Boulder. |
Prairie-dogs are a subject of bitter
controversy throughout their range. Farmers consider them pastureland pests, city
folks accuse them of spreading disease. Environmentalists point out that prairie
dogs improve pastures by tilling and fertilizing soil, and that their presence
is extremely important for other prairie wildlife. |

Black-tailed prairie dog, Boulder. |
Common spiders
of prairie dog towns: black widow (Latrodectus mactans) and tangerine jumping
spider (Phidippus maximus). |

Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma
cornutum) is a rare and declining
species, which depends on anthills
for food. It is typical for prairie dog
towns of Southern Plains. Comanche
Nat'l Grassland, Colorado. |
Black-tailed prairie dog is a classical
example of what is called keystone species. Their towns provide habitat
for dozens of animals, from tiny ants and spiders to rare birds and mammals.

Prairie dog dung beetles (Aphodius dentigerulus)
depend on prairie-dogs for food. Boulder, Colorado. |

White -tailed prairie dog and
rock squirrel (Spermophilus variegatus). Saguaro National
Park, Arizona. |
Predators and parasites feed on the rodents themselves, others use their feces,
burrows, food caches, or simply prefer shorter grass on the colonies. |

Large tiger salamander (Ambystoma
tigrinum) is the only salamander of
the western Great Plains. It survives
in semi-desert conditions by using prairie dog burrows for shelter.
Wind Cave Nat'l Park, S. Dakota. |
toads (Bufo woodhousei australis) of different ages, Comanche Nat'l Grassland,
Colorado. |

Woodhouse's toad (B. w.
woodhousei). Lyons, Colorado. |
Fauna of prairie dog towns differs
a lot throughout their huge range. As you move from north to south or from west
to east, you can find different species of shrews, toads, beetles, and rodents
in their burrows. |

Great Plains toad (B. cognatus),
Cimarron Nat'l Grassland, Kansas. |

Bullsnake (Pituophis melanoleucus sayi).
Thunder Basin Nat'l Grassland, Wyoming. |
Of many reptiles living in prairie dog towns,
only two large snakes are capable of killing and eating prairie dogs. The rodents
would often use earth plugs to cut off a part of a burrow occupied by a snake. |

Prairie rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis viridis) at a
crater burrow. Laramie, Wyoming. |
Mountain plovers on a prairie dog
town (left) and on a road. Pawnee Nat'l Grassland, Colorado. |
Mountain plover chicks on a prairie
dog town, Como Bluff Dinosaur Graveyard, Wyoming. |

Burrowing owl, Comanche Nat'l
Grassland. |
Numerous birds, from robins and magpies
to hawks and eagles, frequent prairie dog towns, but only burrowing owls (Athene
cunicularia) and endangered mountain plovers (Charadrius montanus)
depend on them for breeding sites. In absence of prairie dogs, mountain plovers
nest on road shoulders, where only very few chicks manage to survive. |

Burrowing owls and prairie dogs,
Comanche Nat'l Grassland. |

Bison and prairie dog, Wind Cave. |

Bison family, Custer State Park, N. Dakota. |

Male Bison, Wind Cave. |

Bison used patches of bare ground on prairie
colonies to wallow in the dust. Theodore
Roosevelt Nat'l Park, N. Dakota. |
Historically, bison were among the
most regular visitors to prairie dog towns. They used them for grazing and wallowing
in the dust. Now their interactions with prairie dogs can only be seen in a few
protected areas. |

On the other hand, bison wallows were used by
dispersing prairie dogs as places to start new
colonies. Wind Cave.
. |

Wyoming ground squirrel (Spermophilus
elegans), Como Bluff. |

Wyoming ground squirrel and
prairie dog, Como Bluff. |

Baby Wyoming ground squirrels, Owl
Canyon, Colorado. |
Nowadays, the most common diurnal herbivore
co-inhabitants of prairie dog towns are ground squirrels. Pronghorn and deer also
graze there occasionally. |
Young thirteen-lined
ground squirrels (Spermophilus tridecimlineatus), Ogallala, Nebraska. |

White-tailed jackrabbit (L. townsendii),
Sangre de Cristo Mts., New Mexico. |
At night, the most commonly seen mammals
of prarie dog towns are jackrabbits (Lepus), cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus),
and various small rodents. |

Black-tailed jackrabbit (L. californicus),
in a prairie dog burrow, Janos, Chihuahua. |

American badger(Taxidea taxus)hunting a prairie dog, Oglala
Nat'l Grassland, Nebraska. |

Badger, Thunder Basin. |
The only predator entirely dependent on prairie
dogs for survival is black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes). Widespread
poisoning of prairie dogs caused its extinction in the wild. Captive-bred ferrets
are being reintroduced into parts of their former range, but nowadays it's difficult
to find prairie dog towns large enough to support a ferret population. |

Badger, Oglala. |

Badger, near Carlsbad, New Mexico. |
American badger (Taxidea taxus) is now
the most regular hunter of prairie dogs. Its thick skin and huge claws are adaptations
for digging. It can dig fast enough to capture rodents underground. |

Badger paws (photographed in captivity). |

Coyote(Canis latrans) hunting a prairie dog, Louisville,
Colorado. |

Young swift fox (Vulpes
velox), Blackfoot Indian
Reservation, Montana. |
Coyotes also hunt prairie dogs regularly, while
foxes, bobcats (Felis rufus), mountain lions (F. concolor), and
feral dogs take them occasionally. Grizzly bears (Ursus arctos), once their
common predators, are now extinct almost everywhere on the Great Plains. Hawks
(Buteo) are dangerous for juveniles, but the only bird of prey commonly
capturing adults is golden eagle. |

Young red fox (Vulpes
vulpes), Comanche Nat'l
Grassland, Colorado. |

Golden eagle (Aquila
chrysaetos), Como Bluff. |

Coyotes on a prairie dog colony, Lyons, Colorado. |

Black-footed ferret,
Badlands Nat'l Park. |

Rodent trap on the prairie,
Boulder. |
Only one enemy threatens the survival of black-tailed
prairie dog as a species: plague bacteria (Yersinia pestis). Since it was
accidentally introduced to North America from Asia in the 19th century, it wiped
out countless prairie dog colonies. The aim of the project is to better understand
the dynamics of this disease in the prairie ecosystem, and, if possible, develop
better strategies for protecting prairie dog populations. Most of research was
conducted around Boulder, Colorado; other field sites were located throughout
the shortgrass prairie zone. |

Coyote checking our trap
lines. Lyons, Colorado. |

Anesthesized adult prairie dog, Boulder. |
We captured prairie dogs, collected blood samples
and fleas (vectors of plague) to check them for bacteria, inserted microchips
for future identification, and released the animals. We also conducted density
counts on colonies, behavioral observations, and other research. |

Anesthesized juvenile prairie dog, Boulder. |

Releasing animals was the most
pleasant part. They were still shaky
after anesthesia, but flea-free. Boulder. |
The project is supposed to run for five years
and provide a considerable amount of data. In addition to looking for plague,
we also study the distribution of Bartonella bacteria. Its distributional
patterns are supposed to be similar to those of plague, but more easy to study,
because it is much more common in rodents (possibly a symbiont rather than parasite). |

Desert cottontail rabbit
(Sylvilagus audubonae) in a
prairie dog burrow, Boulder. |

Anesthesizing an adult prairie dog. Boulder. |

Anesthesizing a juvenile prairie dog. Boulder. |